Medical Doctors

Attractive positions all over the world for Scandinavian doctors

POWERCARE Recruitment recruits Scandinavian doctors for permanent and temporary positions all over the world. Always on attractive terms.

Medical Doctors

Attractive positions all over the world for Scandinavian doctors

POWERCARE Recruitment recruits Scandinavian doctors for permanent and temporary positions all over the world. Always on attractive terms.

Medical Doctors for permanent and temporary positions

At POWERCARE we have more than 20 years of experience with finding work abroad to specialists.

We are known for always delivering quality, and that is also the reason that we demand very much of you and your professionalism, when you are recruited as a specialist by POWERCARE Recruitment. The fruit of these high standards makes it possible for us, to offer exciting positions all over the world through our network. It is always on attractive terms, and the costs of moving abroad is often covered by your new workplace.

In order to work as a specialist abroad, you need an authorization for that specific country. POWERCARE Recruitment will guide you through the entire process and ensure that you are off to a good start. In other words, we make sure that it is a good match for all parties.

Let's get in touch.
Rebekka Kean
Project Manager

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    Du er som speciallæge eller læge altid velkommen til at ringe og få en uforpligtende snak, eller få besvaret eventuelle spørgsmål, som du måtte have.

    Rebekka Kean Projektleder