More than 20 years of proven experience

Highly qualified healthcare staff from Scandinavia

More than 20 years of proven experience

Highly qualified healthcare staff from Scandinavia

Scandinavian care & quality

POWERCARE Recruitment

Through more than 20 years POWERCARE Inc.  has been the leading supplier of healthcare staff in both Denmark and the rest of the Nordic countries.

An increasing demand for long-term recruitment solutions in the healthcare industry, means that we will focus on finding and recruiting the absolute best healthcare staff from Scandinavia – for the benefit of the rest of the world. We do this under our new brand; POWERCARE Recruitment.

The cornerstone of our work is the ongoing quality assurance, which ensures that our healthcare staff always match our customers high expectations.

POWERCARE Recruitment finds and recruits healthcare staff, and our goal is to deliver high quality healthcare service from Scandinavia to our clients around the world. Because in POWERCARE Recruitment we want to ensure our clients gets the best healthcare staff in the world and at the same time we give our healthcare staff the opportunity of foreign experience and adventures.

Healthcare Groups
These are the professionals we offer

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Let's get in touch
Karin Lidang
Head of Business Development

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